
林 裕輔と安西葉子によるデザインスタジオ。2001年設立。プロダクトデザインを中心に、グラフィック・パッケージ・空間デザインなど、カテゴリーを超えてデザインとディレクションを行う。
アートディレクション、ブランディングデザイン、素材開発、用途開発、技術開発の協力など、カタチをつくる以前の段階からプロジェクトに参加することも多く、クライアントと共に新しいデザインの可能性を広げている。また、日本の高度な技術や素材をデザインを通して商品化し、世界へ向けて発信することも積極的に行っている。これまでに、Canon、MUJI、Camper、Mercedes Benz、TIME&STYLEなど国内外の様々なメーカーにデザインを提供し、東京、シンガポール、ミラノ、パリ、ストックホルムなどの都市で展覧会に出品している。Red Dot Design Award、German Design Award、Good Design Special Award、Design For Asia Awardなど受賞歴多数。
DRILL DESIGN started in 2001 by Yusuke Hayashi and Yoko Yasunishi in Tokyo, Japan. The studio is providing individualized solutions and concepts to clients and society with flexible creations between product and graphic design.
The studio has developed several brands for its clients and launched them to the world. With partners in Japan, who have original techniques while using high quality materials, Drill Design has a valuable network of knowledgable professionals. The studio also offers designs for companies like MUJI, CANON, Mercedes, Camper, etc… DRILL DESIGN has exhibited its work in Tokyo, Singapore, Milan, Paris and Stockholm. They have been awarded with many national and international renowned awards such as the Red Dot Design Award, German Design Award, The Good Design Award in Japan and The Design For Asia Award.

Fullswing is a team comprising Kai Sato and Yuji Ohno focusing on furniture production. With the main focus on wood furniture, they aim for a new approach to making things that encompasses everything from the design to the manufacture of daily items, and special order furniture and original furniture for the home, store, and office. In addition, as Plywood Lab., they develop new kinds of plywood and design and manufacture products.